The Rock Chapter Award is given by the Sigma Nu National office and is meant to honor collegiate chapters that have achieved excellence in all areas of chapter operations. To be granted the award, a chapter should be expected to attain an ideal or a nearly perfect state across a broad range of areas of fraternity operations. To win the award, a chapter is expected to maintain a state of excellence for a consistent period of two-plus years, not just for a quarter, semester, or single academic year. Furthermore, the award once granted, should not be considered recognition for future achievement. Rock Chapter is a recognition for past achievement with an appropriate date inscribed indicating the precise year the award represents.
Rock Chapter Awards are presented at Grand Chapters, (i.e. every two years), providing there are chapters that qualify. Rock Chapter award recipients will be those chapters which consistently achieve very good to excellent ratings in the Pursuit of Excellence Program over the course of the biennium. Final selections also consider risk management, behavioral, financial, and other issues exhibited by chapters over the review period.
The Zeta Phi Chapter at Bradley University is the recipient of this prestigious award six times: 1978, 1988, 1998, 2002, 2004, 2006