2023–2024 Photo Gallery
Sigma Nu Spotlight
Congratulations to our Brothers with internships for the Summer of 2024! We are proud of you and are excited to see what your future holds.
2024 Summer Internships
Congratulations to our Brothers with internships for the Summer of 2024! We are proud of you and are excited to see what your future holds.
Spring 2024 Dean’s List
Congratulations to our Brothers who have been named on the Spring 2024 Dean’s List! Everyone listed above earned a 3.5 GPA or better.
2024 New Executive Board
Introducing Zeta Phi’s newest Executive Board! Good luck in your pursuit of excellence next academic year! Commander – Josh Dunn; Lieutenant Commander – Seth Johnson; Treasurer – Sean Coen; Recorder – Logan Vargas; Marshal – Alex Ortega; L.E.A.D. – Denis McNulty
2024 New Executive Board 2
Introducing Zeta Phi’s newest Executive Board! Good luck in your pursuit of excellence next academic year! Rush Recruitment – Brach Skof & Ayden Phillips; Alumni Relations – Dylan Makare; Scholarship – Robert Parkel; Philanthropy/Gameball – Colin Vincent
Clearwater Beach Grad Trip 2024
Our ‘24 class of alumni enjoying their graduation trip in Clearwater Beach, Florida! What a phenomenal group of men that have dedicated their college careers to bettering Zeta Phi and our chapter of Sigma Nu. Hi rickety, men!!
Congrats Class of 2024
Last Saturday, the Zeta Phi Chapter had the pleasure of watching our seniors graduate. Congratulations to the class of 2024! We are extremely proud of you and all you have done at your time here at Bradley.
May Brother of the Month Alex Ortega
This month’s Brother of the Month is Alex Ortega. Alex has been a large part of the Zeta Phi Chapter by holding the following positions: Commander, Recorder, Grand Chapter Chairman, Risk Reduction, Brotherhood, and Greek Week. Alex has also been involved on campus by being a Student Senator and IFC’s Director of Risk Management. When asked about what Sigma Nu has meant to Alex, he replied, “Over the past two years I’ve been blessed and fortunate enough to lead this group of Bradley’s finest and it has been a truly rewarding and educational experience. The bonds we’ve created as friends, students, and most importantly as brothers is the most important takeaway to me. This chapter is truly unique where everyone is one of one and all members embody our mission of developing ethical leaders and I couldn’t imagine my time at Bradley without the Zeta Phi chapter of Sigma Nu.”
Leadership and Organization Recognition Reception
The Zeta Phi Chapter of Sigma Nu attended Bradley University’s Annual Student Leadership and Organization Recognition Reception recently. The Chapter was able to bring home three awards and are proud to present them. Sigma Nu Zeta Phi Chapter – Student Organization Service Award @logan_vargas23 – Student Senate Senator of the Year Chapter Advisor Colleen Splitter – Student Organization Advisor of the Year Thank you for your hard work and dedication to the chapter and the university!
Induction Celebration Beta Rho Chapter
The Zeta Phi Chapter of Sigma Nu was able to celebrate the induction of three of our brothers and Chapter Advisor, Colleen Splitter, into the Beta Rho Chapter of The Order of Omega Honor Society last week. Congratulations to Nate Cole , Dylan Makare , Sean Mcmanis , and Chapter Advisor, Colleen Splitter for your hard work and recognition.
Annual Gameball Check
The Zeta Phi chapter of Sigma Nu continued its tradition of community service by presenting our annual Gameball check to OSF Children’s Hospital-Almost Home Kids over the past weekend. Alumni, members, and all others who contributed to Gameball’s continued significance have our sincere appreciation. We congratulate @seancoen15 , Gameball chairman , on his successful fundraising effort of $20,000. In addition to the check presentation on Friday, February 23rd, fifteen brothers attended Scholarship dinner. These men received a 3.5 GPA or higher last semester and celebrated their strenuous efforts at Alexander’s Steak House. HI-RICKETY Gentlemen
Brother of the Month Colin Whitehouse
This month’s brother of the month goes to Colin Whitehouse. Colin is a Senior History Major from Chesterfield, Missouri. During his time living in house, he has served as Commissary Chairman. “To me, sigma nu means a lifetime of friendship and brotherhood. I am proud to say that I would not be the person I am today without the bond and values Sigma has taught me over the years. “
Deans List Fall 2023
Congratulations to our nineteen Sigma Nu brothers who have been named to the Dean’s List for the fall semester of 2023! Every single one of the names got a 3.5 or above. We remain committed to academic achievement. This honor rewards your hard work, dedication, and intelligence.
December Brother of the Month-Justin-Eggleston
This month’s brother of the month goes to Justin Eggleston. Justin is a Senior Construction Major from Morris, IL. During his time living in house, he has served as a an house manager. “During my time at Sigma Nu, I have found a group of lifelong friends that I’m proud to call brothers. This home away from home has helped me to become the man I am today. I will forever be grateful for the memories and relationships I’ve created at Zeta Phi.”
Brotherhood Event
Jack Settle, Colin Whitehouse, and Neil Rao. Brotherhood event – Lumberkack. Becoming one with flannels and pancakes.
Pledge class of Fall 2021
Jack Settle, Sean McManis, Nathan Sachtleben, Colin Whitehouse, Nathan Lobb, Alex Hamilton, Justin Eggleston. Pledge class of Fall 2021, Formal – Brasnson, Missouri – Spring 2023.
Juniors and Seniors night out on the town.
Andrew Pelletirre, Wes Diaz, Paul Crosson, Colin Whitehouse, Ryan Newstrom, Tim Johnson, Alex Hamilton, Jake Fitch, Josh Manning, Jack Settle, Jackson Pirowski.
Brothers Hanging Out
Wes Diaz, Nathan Lobb, Justin Eggleston. Brothers hanging out in the pit amidst some fall weather.
Scholarship Dinner at Alexander’s
Scholarship dinner at Alexander’s Steakhouse. Students who made Dean’s List celebrating for fall of 2023.
Fall Pledge Class of 2023
Fall pledge class of 2023 initiation nights. From left to right back row – Logan Vargas, Cole Behymer, Tommy Twardowski, Robert Parkel, Mason Alberts. Front Row – Blake Belolli, Seth Johnson, Ayden Phillips, Brach Skof, and Colin Vincent.